BAM! What a reassuring thought. I owe this one to Lindsay and Kate! One thing I'm always holding on to is my future. While I can't ever actually decide my future, I like to think that I can. I like to plan my life out for years and think MY plans are coming true. God's really good about keeping me on my toes and reminding me MY way usually isn't HIS way. For some crazy reason, I think that I can actually have control over my future. I realize you're like..."WOW! Rachel, you're an idiot!" Sorry, its just that one thing I have always struggled to give God complete control over. Before coming to college, I had planned out every class I was going to take, when I would get engaged, when I would get married, the colors at my wedding, etc...and the list goes on. So today me and Lucia, or should I say Cha Cha and Chi Chi Vladimir, were talking about soul mates and if we believe God has that one person who's destined to be with us. Lucia and I talked about our worries. What if everything God has given me already isn't as good as what's to come? What if God's given me the gold and I'll end up with silver? What if I have to settle on a life that isn't as good as I want it to be? Questions like that floated between us for a while. The hopelessly romantic person I am believes that I have a soul mate out there somewhere. I like to believe that in perfect timing, he will enter my life and we will live happily ever after!
Its just like on the very last episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch when Harvey and Sabrina's soul stones match together just perfectly. I like to think I have a perfect soul mate. Watch this clip...its kind of blurry and shaky but it makes my heart smile! :)
While the debate between Lucia and Sammy Kaye never reached an ending (it got a little heated) I still think my soul mate is out there. Even if "soul mates" and "soul stones" aren't real, I know God's looking out for me! He's already got a plan for me, I don't have to worry or be anxious. I don't have to question.
So when Lucia told me what Lindsay had passed on to her, and I found out Kate passed on to Lindsay..."God doesn't show you gold and give you silver," it really hit the spot. I was like "DANGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! Okay, I get it!" God has provided me with wonderful people and such amazing experiences. Why in the world do I think He won't provide me with even more amazing things in the future?
This phrase just kept echoing in my head today and I think it came at the perfect time. I'm to that point in life (not to sound old) where most of my friends have serious boyfriends and are looking towards proposals and marriages. And I'm screaming, "SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I don't even have a significant other, so I'm definitely not thinking about proposals and marriage. Of course I am thinking about those things because I'm a girl who loves love! But, I can't let myself keep thinking of that in a realistic sense. Its not in the plan for right now. God will bring me Prince Charming (or the closest thing to him) when the timing is right. Another quote I love is, "Faith in God means faith in His timing." This is another one of those that just hits me! BAM! Its easy to say but to actually keep reminding yourself that MY timing doesn't matter at all, MY timing is nonexistent. GOD's timing is what matters, GOD's timing is the one that happens!
Needless to say, this conversation really impacted my day. I love love and talking about love so it made my day that much better. To top of my awesome day, it was like 70 degrees today! I got to hang out in my hammock on the front porch of my dorm.
Maggie looking hot finally getting to eat lunch at 4:30 p.m.
One of my very favorite places to my pink hammock.
My view. No complaints here.
What a day full of reminders:
1. God is good.
2. God is in control, even when I want to be.
3. God's creation is so beautiful.
Those are just three but my days consist of constant reminders of how amazing God truly is. I leave you with my final excitement of the day...Girl Scout cookies are in and I'm loving this a little too much! I'm glad I didn't give up sweets for Lent this year because I would hate to be missing out on these!
Thanks for reading my blog!! Hope you have a wonderful night :)
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