Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ramen Noodles and Carrots...

Yep, that's been all I've eaten today.  I got a stomach bug yesterday and it hasn't left me yet.  This stinks so bad!!!!!!!!  I want to eat food, real food, but it all just makes me feel sick.

Okay, enough of my pity party, I just wanted to share a funny moment from 1st grade yesterday!  Well, the class was working on adding -ing to words.  Their words for the week were words like hopping, swimming, skipping, you know 10 words like that.  Well I was walking around the classroom and the class was reading me their 10 sentences.  Most of them all had the same thing.  

I was swimming in the pool.
The frog was hopping.

That kind of thing...until I got to one boy, Griffin!  He is a hoot.  You seriously never know what's going to come out of Griffin's mouth!  He's a mess!  Well I was walking around and Griffin says, "Hey! Miss Fogle! Can I read you my sentences!?!"  My response was "Of course!!"  He is usually the student to postpone work as long as possible.  So I walk over and he had about 5 sentences and he started reading them to me.  

He is swimming in the pool.
She is hopping like a frog.
I can peel my scabs.

SAY WHAT?!?!?!

He kept reading but I just laughed and laughed and laughed.  Mrs. Downs had no idea what was going on and I could barely catch my breath to tell her what he wrote.  I CAN PEEL MY SCABS. Seriously?! How was I supposed to respond to that?  Maybe that's what made me nauseous, doubtful.  I still don't even know what to think about that sentence.  There wasn't even an -ing in there!  I think I ended up just telling Griffin he did a great job but DANG!  I was just dying and he had no idea why.

Here's to hoping I can eat more than Ramen Noodles and carrots tomorrow...and to hoping you can peel your scabs!


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