Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You can call me Princess Rachel...

I'm going to sound like one of the world's nerdiest people in this blog post but I'm totally embracing it!  Well, I'm on Spring Break and Friday night I watched the show Who Do You Think You Are?  with my mom.  Its the show where celebrities research their ancestors and see where their family came from.  Reba McEntire was on this episode and it was a tear-jerker near the end.  If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!   It will totally make you want to know who your ancestors were and where they came from, where you came from!  Well...my mom has always wanted to make our family tree but she just hasn't had the time to think about that so why not start with me at home to help?  We realized if you ever want to trace your family, you pretty much have to buy a membership to ancestry.com because that's where all the documents are, seriously all documents can be found on ancestry.com pretty much!

So all weekend we looked at what documents were available to the public and we only got about 4 generations back on some sides, on others we didn't get past my mom's grandparents.  Meanwhile, I was learning about some serious family scandals.  Needless to say, my mom and I agreed we have a lot to ask our family when we get to heaven!  I also learned my mom's family is a long line of farmers.

So yesterday, my mom decided to break down and buy a month's subscription to ancestry.com.  Again, sorry for the nerdiness but...we traced my mom's family last night for hours and hours.  I stayed up until 4:00 a.m. because I was on a roll.  And you won't believe the exciting news we found out...

My ancestors were royal!!!!!!!!!!

That's right, your eyes aren't lying to you.  You're looking at royalty right here!!!!!  If you know me and my love for the Royal Family, you can only imagine how exciting this was.  I traced my mom's mom's mom's mom's family, the Simmons family, all the way back to before Christ (ahh!) and for 1200-1300 years, my family held titles like Prince, Princess, Lord, Lady, Count, and Countess.  I even found King/Queen of the West Franks for about 500 years.  Again, I was FREAKINGGGGGGGGGGGG OUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!  First of all, the fact that I can trace my family back THAT far ANDDDDDDD they're royalty. They were royal in Germany(for the longest) then France then England.  

I was pretty discouraged when finding out what countries I  come from.  I usually just tell people "I'm from all the white countries!" which still remains true.  However, I've always embraced my Irish background but I couldn't find any Irish ancestors.  I'm so glad to say I've  found some Irish ancestors finally!!!!!!  I still have a lot of researching to do so hopefully I'll find some more Irish in me!  I can actually say I've found ancestors in England, France, Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and that's all for now!

I highly encourage everyone to trace their family history.  You might even be royal! (I should totally have my own ancestry.com commercial for this!)  Again, I'm still freaking out!!!!  I've become pretty much obsessed with my family.  Its just a reminder of how little I am as well as how lucky I am!  This family tree is HUGE and we're still researching.  Every once in a while I hit a wall and can't find anything else, but its pretty cool that I can keep tracing family back.  This whole project has really given me a new perspective.  I keep wondering what these people were like and how their lives ended up.  I wonder if they would be proud of me today, I sure hope so!  They're more than just names to me, I want to know their real stories!  If only this was like Facebook, I'd be creepin for days!

Sorry this post took so long, I have just been having too much fun looking into my family history.  Wish me luck!


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